Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Live - Love - Laugh

What are your gifts?  How do you want to share them?


This is your chance to get involved.  We are always looking for volunteers to keep our ministries vibrant so no matter how you want to be involved, we have a place for you!  To get involved, call 623-584-2000 or email info@lolaz.org for more information.

View more information in our Volunteer Opportunities booklet.


  • Acolyte
  • Altar Guild
  • Cantor
  • Communion Assistant
  • Greeter
  • Lector
  • Usher


  • A Capella Singers
  • Bell Choir
  • Big Band
  • Celebration Choir
  • Chancel Choir
  • Glory Singers
  • Instrumentalist
  • Visitation Choir
  • Vocalist


  • Bread Baker
  • Bread Delivery
  • New Member Follow-up
  • New Member Orientation
  • New Member Sponsorship

Small Group

  • Arts & Crafts Group
  • Book Discussion Groups
  • Campus Cleaning/Maintenance
  • Centering Prayer
  • Dinner for 6 or 7
  • Golf
  • Greeting Card Making
  • Knitting
  • Mah Jongg
  • Men's Caring & Sharing
  • SOLOs Singles Group
  • SOS (Survived Our Spouses)
  • Turquoise Table
  • Women of the ELCA (WELCA)


  • Bible Study Leader
  • Bible Study Host
  • Eye Opener Bible Study
  • Library Volunteer
  • Men's Breakfast Bible Study
  • Women's Bible Study


  • Coffee Hour Host
  • Dishwasher
  • Fellowship Server
  • Coffee Maker
  • Set-up & Clean-up
  • Ticket Sales


  • Christmas Giving Tree
  • Gleaning Fruit Trees
  • Grace Lutheran Homeless Project
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Lutheran Thrift Ship
  • Nadaburg Elementary School
  • Pan de Vida School
  • Quilting
  • Feed My Starving Children


  • Audio/Visual
  • Bulletins
  • Clerical/Office
  • Collection Counter
  • Photographer
  • Mailings/Newsletter


  • Blood Pressure Checks
  • Chair Exercise
  • Delivery of Worship CDs
  • Eucharistic Ministers
  • Every Member Visit
  • Fidgety Blankets
  • Friendly Visitor
  • Grief Support
  • Memorial/Funeral Reception
  • Memory Caregiver's Support
  • Prayer Chain
  • Prayer Shawl
  • Stephen Ministry
  • Telephone Ministry
  • Time Out
  • Transportation


  • Arts Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Benevolence Committee
  • Buildings & Grounds
  • Education Committee
  • Mission Endowment Fund Committee
  • Financial Resources Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Worship & Music Committee
  • Fellowship Committee